3 Little Things {5.23.14} + Weekly surf report

Life's been a bit crazy around here, between wildfires, wrapping up school for the year and general life stuff. So, what's making me happy this week? Here are just three little things that have me smiling this week... {linking up again with Amy from MomAdvice!}

1. A good novel.

I checked out Longbourn from the library on my Kindle and I'm really enjoying it (0f course I'm also still reading Persuasion with the book club and How People Change). I'm finally finishing Downton Abbey Season 4 this week thanks to a friend's DVD set, so Jo Baker's novel is a perfect companion as its protaganist is none other than one of the servants who lives with the Bennet family. She has her own mysterious story going on but of course in the background I'm reading about Jane, Elizabeth and the rest of the Bennets from her perspective. It's a fresh twist on Austen fan fiction.

2. Getting healthy.

I feel super happy about a couple of really good things I'm doing for my body. My family recently started taking a fermented cod liver oil/butter oil mix that I actually really like. We're taking the Cinnamon Tingle Blue Ice Gel by Green Pastures and it's nowhere near as gross as I thought it would be. Its benefits are supposed to be fabulous so I'm really trying to be consistent with it. It's pricey, but I have a local resource for getting it a bit cheaper.

For the first time ever, I've started going to a chiropractor (!!!) for my back/shoulder/rib pain that has been nagging me for over two years. It's been an interesting experience so far. I really like their holistic philosophy, although I'm still getting used to the feeling of being adjusted.

And finally, three days in a row have found me in my living room on a folded quilt doing a quick pilates workout. Go me! Short doesn't mean easy, and while I'm doing regular cardio exercise yet, I'm at least working on some toning for 8-10 minutes before I sit down to work or read during quiet time. I'm thoroughly enjoying The Pilates Summer Series with Robin from The Balanced Life Online. It's free and it's manageable, and I'm hoping it will get me in a routine of exercising (almost) every day. Yay!

sewing school 101

3. My book! For sale!

My eBook is finally for sale, both here on my site (read all about it and purchase the PDF version here) and on Amazon for Kindle.

The PDF version is a little more expensive, but that's because you'll always get the latest version sent to you with that one whenever there's an update. I think it's best viewed/read on an iPad or Kindle Fire, kept handy on the sewing desk, to see the full-color photos, but I also have a copy on my regular Kindle and while you lose some of the pretty formatting, it still has all the wonderful content, clickable table of contents,  and b/w versions of the photos. If you're a blogger, you can join my affiliate program, too.

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 Weekly surf report

Here are some posts/links/articles I've been enjoying from around the web.

The SortaCrunchy Guide to a Super Summer: Outdoor Edition and Indoor Edition ~ So, so many great ideas for an awesome summer from my friend Megan, many of them free. You may notice a couple of familiar links in the indoor edition. Thanks, Megan! ;)

 A summer reading list for tweens :: The Art of Simple ~ I don't have a tween yet but this is a great resource to save for later.

Less by Shauna Niequist ~ I shared this on Facebook this week after it made me respond with a resounding aaahhhhh.

San Diego County Looks Like Mars After Fires :: Time Magazine ~ these are some amazing photos. Also, have you heard of a firenado?? It's a thing. Yikes!!!

Want to see an exciting story of God's sovereignty and healing? Check out this video about friends of ours who pastor a church in Hungary. It's pretty amazing.

The LifeAsMom Summer Survival Guide is on sale for $5 through 5/27.

What's making you happy this week?

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