A Sunday Treat

When my family planned a birthday get-together for my brother last weekend, I just couldn't decide which dessert to make. So I made three of them. :) We had a little Strawberry Buttermilk Ice Cream again for one. Yum.

My first attempts at a non-pumpkin pie (and a homemade crust), started out as a big ol' FAIL. baking fail

Note to self: do not set beloved stoneware on top of a stupid electric burner that you left on from cooking the custard {feeling incredibly nostalgic for a gas stove, where you can see the flame!}.

But alas, the pie still turned out. pie

Strawberry Banana Creme. Delish.

But I must say, the highlight was probably the simple "dessert-izer" that we started with. DSC_0011

I call these Amazing Mystery Chocolate Balls.

We had these at a friend's baby shower and I just had to give 'em a whirl. Here's my not-too-scientific recipe. Maybe someday I can adapt these to being actually from scratch, but for now they are just plain easy!

Amazing Mystery Chocolate Balls makes quite a lot

In two batches, puree until like thick batter:

1 box of Joe-Joe's (or, for those of you who sadly have no access to Trader Joe's, Oreos, or Newman's Own natural version is good, too)

1 8 oz. block of cream cheese

Using a small scoop (I have a small melon baller) or a spoon, create little globby chocolate balls and place on a cookie sheet. Set in the fridge for a while to set. I left mine in overnight but that's probably not necessary.

In a double boiler, melt down some chocolate chips (I used a mix of semi-sweet and milk choc), and add in some heavy cream, half and half or even just milk, to thin down the sauce a little to your liking.

Using forks or toothpicks, roll each ball around to coat and place back on cookie sheet.

Have cute little helper or husband decorate with sprinkles while still wet.

Set cookie sheet in fridge to let chocolate harden.

Pop one of those babies in your mouth for an amazingly mysterious and delicious indulgence. I can only imagine how good these would be with Peppermint Joe-Joe's or Mint Newman's Own cookies. mmmmmm.....

Adopting Brody {my journal}

Instant Replay: Who is Gidget, Anyway?