April Goals

I'm a dreamer, a visionary-- not a very good goal-setter, or goal-achiever (in fact, I'll talk more about this in tomorrow's Embracing Self-Care post). It's time for me to get serious, make a few goals (I'm starting fairly small) and do my best to follow through with them. april goals

1. Read through my memory verses every day (I mentioned this last Friday, and I'm making it official now).

2. Finish 2 books.

3. Send 2 cards by mail.

4. Go through kids' clothes.

5. Have a garage sale.

Linking up with (and inspired by) The Tiny Twig. Been inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy in this area lately, too-- especially her measuring system.

Do you set goals? Use any good systems for tracking them? 

Embracing Self-Care: Personality & knowing your needs

3 Little Things {3.28.14}