Eco Crafting Interview: Brooke from Pure and Noble

I thought it was high-time I get back to the awesome interviews I promised you. Brooke, from Pure and Noble is all about repurposing and turning old to new, using her handmade skills. Let's learn a little about her eco-crafting philosophies and methods now...

Nicole: What originally got you started in repurposing/eco-crafting?

Brooke: I think my kids, honestly. Ever since I had the overwhelming feeling that I am actually leaving this world to someone I cherish, the things I do day to day matter more.

N: What are some of your favorite textiles/materials for crafting besides mainstream supplies?

B: Things from the outdoors like flowers, leaves, seeds, acorns and the like. I'm hoping to paint some acorns this fall and hang them on our entryway tree.

N: How does eco-crafting fit into your lifestyle/life philosophy?

B: I believe that God has called us to be good stewards of everything He has blessed us with. Whether it's people's hearts, money or other resources, I believe how we steward what we have says a lot about what we believe and living it out.

N: Who are some of your creative influences?

B: My sister and other bloggers. My sister isn't so much creative with "things" but she is very creative with money. She can sniff out a deal from miles away. She's truly made getting a deal an art form. She even haggles with Home Depot and guess what... she usually comes out the winner.

N: What's been your favorite repurposing project?

B: Hmmm... I'd have to say either turning a broken koozie into a fabric stamp or a way too short mini-skirt into a purse.

N: How do you get your kids involved in this sort of thing?

B: They go on nature walks with me sometimes and enjoy painting some as well, but for the most part, they just enjoy the finished product. They would much rather play sports or battle each other with Nerf swords. Oh, and they like counting my buttons and sorting them by shape, size and color while I sew too.

N: Do you have any recommended sources or advice for newbies?

B: Don't let your what you've learned stifle your creativity. Remember when you were a kid and you turned flowers into rings or crowns and blankets into super-hero capes? That is the very creativity and out-of-the-box thinking that needs to be tapped into.

My girlfriend and I went to a flea market the other day and as we were looking through the vintage kitchen items we found an old meat or potato masher. It had a really cool handle on it and I thought it would make a great coat hanger or accessory hanger once screwed onto a wall. I think the fact that I am NOT a cook allowed me to free my mind and find another use for that object.

Thanks, Brooke! You are always inspiring me. I hope someday we can meet in person and go thrifting or garage-sale-ing together!

I hope you, dear readers, have been inspired by Brooke, too. Be sure to visit her blog and her sweet Etsy shop as well.

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gratitude... thanksgiving and big news edition