food-related lovin'

DSC_0016 My daughter has become quite the storyteller. Today we sat together over yogurt and "chatted"- mostly she just told me some nonsensical story full of very grown-up {and improperly used} phrases. It's very cute.

Speaking of yogurt, our new favorite snack is a little plain greek yogurt whipped up with a little all-fruit jam and/or a generous drizzle of honey. Mmmmmm.

I haven't done a link love post in a long time, but I've had food on the brain and on the blogroll for a while now. I'm no bona fide foodie but I love to cook and bake and experiment. And I long to eat sustainable, whole, real food. Here are a few links and mentions to whet your appetite.

  • Katie at Kitchen Stewardship has a great series going on about "spring cleaning" what we eat. You'll be surprised at all the different ingredient names that MSG hides behind.
  • I stumbled upon a recipe for Homemade Pop Tarts at Smitten Kitchen. Oh. my. homemade. goodness. Will definitely be making these soon. Combos of brown sugar/cinnamon and nutella/chocolate are calling to me.
  • On a more serious food note, I was pretty moved by Storing Up Treasure's post on gluttony. Being a stay-at-home mom definitely provides me some opportunities to be eating for the wrong reasons, something I've done throughout my life {boredom being the biggest one for me; that and the simple feeling of being addicted to sweets}. I may desire a healthy, whole-food lifestyle but dessert-every-night is totally my guilty pleasure {um, yeah, written as my hubby pulls the ice cream out of the freezer}.
  • And finally {Technically this last one is not about food, but rather drink. But it's probably the most important link here.}, please take eight minutes to watch Annie Leonard's The Story of Bottled Water. As someone who's taken a lot of flack for being the weirdo in the family who's anti-bottled water, I was stoked to see others backing up my take. Plus, the illustrated cartoons are pretty entertaining.

I'm loving Michael Pollan's simple manifesto. What's cookin' in your kitchen? Got any good food links to share?

In Defense of Food cover

Three-Year Old Chiquita

Encyclopedia of Me: C is for...