Gratitude and a Thousand Gifts

Wrapped Gifts Retirement Party 7-8-09 8

photo by stevendepolo

I'm really excited about a new weekly series I'm going to be publishing on Mondays.  I think it will give you a unique insight into my little life, much like the way {this moment} does, while also bring glory to the One who really does give us thousands of gifts and blessings.

I'm going to start keeping a Gratitude Journal at home. I may leave it by my bedside, and every night before bed note down some of the gifts I received throughout the day, or maybe even carry it with me and jot them down throughout the day-- I'm not quite sure yet. On Mondays, I'd like to share some of them with you. It will be a simple list, maybe with a photo or two, but I'm hoping the exercise will give us all a little glimpse of finding the divine in ordinary life.

This idea comes from Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience's One Thousand Gifts community.

holy experience

I love these little examples that Ann shares:

"...cracking open a new book... pushing children on the swing.... old men looking at cards in the stationery aisle... the smell of the florist’s... the sound of kernels of corn streaming, tinkling.... leaves floating in puddles..."

Hopefully, starting my week by focusing on gratitude and turning my eyes to Jesus in thanksgiving for all the little things in life will give me a fresh perspective each week.

If this is something that interests you, you can check out Ann's two articles I linked to above and blog along with me, or else, I'd love to read in the comments a couple of things you're grateful for.

I guess I should start today, huh?

Well, I'm very thankful for the passion I have for writing... and for those of you who take the time to read my thoughts and take a peek into my life.

His Word in My Heart: September 2010

{this moment}: cousins