Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing all you mamas a restful, special day with your loved ones. I'm off to church, maybe the beach, and out for some good burgers for dinner. IMG_6669

Today I'm thankful for little treasures, but also for my mom, mother-in-law, our birthmom, and also the women who have encouraged me in walk with the Lord like a spiritual mama.

And for those of you who long to be a mama, but aren't yet, I empathize with you, I've been in that spot, I've felt that pain.

Can I just encourage you to be a spiritual mama to whoever the Lord has put in your life? You probably don't even know the blessing you already are in the life of a younger woman, a niece or nephew, or a friend's child. Embrace that role as someone who can encourage, love on and minister to that young one in a special way that only you can do.


Fun Fiction: Once Upon a Prince {book review}

10 on 10: May 2013 and yummy creamy curry chicken & kale