Lately... {on simplifying in the New Year}

gigi coloring We've been struggling a lot with Gigi the last couple of months. Mainly through the hustle, bustle and excitement of the holidays, but even since then, we've been seeing some behavioral and anger issues in her that we want to start working though now, so as to hopefully prevent the development of a pattern in her personality.

Of course, even more importantly, in the long run we want to get to her heart, but practically we have some serious issues to work through right now.

Among seeking wise counsel, looking to the Word and how the Lord deals with us and we can model that with our kids, and reading elsewhere, we've been seeking some serious simplification. I might say that that is probably our main goal for the new year... simplifying life.

I recently read the book Simplicity Parenting with some other moms from Gigi's preschool. We are going to continue working through some of its suggestions and meet again next month to discuss it more, because it has been that monumental for all of us.

I hope to elaborate here on what we've been doing sometime in the future, but for now, I just wanted to get something written down to commemorate the journey we've begun. Between significantly paring down our toy collection and establishing more rhythm, we've been making some serious changes around here to try to make life easier and more enjoyable amidst the craziness that is a family of five.

I'd love to hear from any of you who have read the book, or even if you haven't-- what have been some of the simplifying changes you've made that have impacted your family the most?

Oh, we're also working our way through Tsh's ebook One Bite at a Time, as another encouraging resource for simplification.

*affiliate links included in this post. thank you.*

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