Make a lovely watercolor bunting

watercolor bunting | Yesterday Gigi decided she was going to make a Christmas bunting. She started haphazardly cutting out triangles from scrap paper but then after a few, discarded it in favor of some other activity. Eventually the scraps were forgotten and she recycled them.

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Well, I loved her idea. I'm almost as big of a fan of buntings and garlands as my friend Melissa.

After a particularly rough homeschool day, I thought the afternoon would be a good time for some directed art. I set up watercolor supplies on the kids' table outside and when quiet play time was over, I asked her if she wanted to make a bunting together.

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Gigi painted a red and a green page, which I then cut into triangles and punched (she didn't have the patience or interest in that step, and let's be honest, the perfectionist in me was glad because then I got to make nicely shaped pennants!).

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Hallee was my personal assistant.

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Then Gigi got to use my sharpies (such a thrill for her!) to write out the letters to spell Merry Christmas. She did this part all by herself, and then I strung the triangles on baking twine. It's the perfect decoration for our staircase, hung with a bit of washi tape.

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I'm not always the most excited about kids' crafts, so this was a perfect compromise. We each got to use our respective skills, we worked together, and we created a little masterpiece. And, no tantrums involved... double success!

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Merry Christmas from the Bennett family

10ish on 10ish: December 2013