There's nothing new under the sun...

Just doing a little reading... There may be millions of blogs floating around in cyber space, but it seems there are always more people who want to start a one.

It never fails... when a friend or family member of mine says they've thought about starting a blog but haven't done it yet, they seem to always follow up with something along the lines of... "but I don't really have anything new to say."

So how do I respond?

You're right. You probably don't.

However... I add, There's nothing new under the sun. We're all just rehashing something that's already been done, already been said, already been created, by someone, somewhere.

But we each have a unique voice and a fresh perspective to offer.

And that's what makes us read blogs, right? We find a voice we like, a perspective that encourages us, ideas that inspire us.

It's not just blogs this applies to of course, but however it is we express ourself and our story. You have something to offer. It might not be ground-breaking or totally revelatory, but it's your story and we each have a story to share.

I love how the Lord created us to love stories, and how He is guiding each of us down the path of our own story.

Maybe I'll start sharing more of my own story here more often again one day. In the meantime, I'll pop in when I can. :)

My first foray into What I Wore...

How to make (patriotic) paper pinwheels