Pancakes and Pumpkins


We had such a fun day yesterday. Before church we headed over to the fire department where my dad is the chief. Every year they have a pancake breakfast fundraiser and it was so fun to take Chiquita this year and say hi to "Papa" and some of the firefighters that I've know my whole life {my dad has worked at the same department for over 30 years!}.

After church a bunch of friends met at In-n-Out for lunch and then headed out to the boonies, okay, just out to Valley Center, a rural community about an hour from our house, to hit up the famous Bates Nut Farm Pumpkin Patch. It was a fun afternoon filled with pumpkins, photo ops, homemade ice cream and goat feedings. Good times! It was sunny and warm, with a cool breeze. These are the days when I like autumn, especially in Southern California.

Tomorrow I'm going to begin sharing the story of our family's particular journey...

A Journey of Hope

A Sunday Thought for October 11