Pinterest to Real Life: April 2014

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I'll be honest, this wasn't my most productive month ever. I had high hopes for things I pinned and wanted to actually do, but just didn't get to.

At home


We rearranged our bedroom a bit this month-- I love the motivation that having houseguests gives to really get things streamlined and organized. My sewing desk and all that that entails moved into our master bedroom closet and David's dresser and our TV moved out (we're going to mount the TV on the wall).

I finally got something I've been really wanting, to organize my thread collection (I bought it on Amazon), and I also moved my baby food jars of supplies to a shelf I recently got from my mom that my grandpa made. Now to tackle that huge mending pile under the desk.

I was really inspired & encouraged by this post by Ann Voskamp to bring more gratitude into my children's lives. So we're working on that.

In the kitchen

I tried a fun experiment one week in March-- I slow-cooked for four days in a row. It definitely seemed to save some money and time. I try to use my slow-cooker at least once a week normally, and definitely will continue to do so.

Here are the recipes I made that week: 

In the schoolroom

I found a couple of neat printables this past month. 

What have you been up to this month? Made any good new recipes or completed any projects?

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