Pinterest to Real Life: February 2014

pinterest to real life 2014 button.jpg

It's hard to believe we're already over one month into 2014. Have you had a creative January?

Let's share how we took our pins and gave them life in the last month. If you're feeling less than successful in your endeavors, that's okay. No judgement here (you're not alone). All that matters is that you tried/created/cooked/baked/styled/etc something!

Make & do

organizing photos

Photo organization. Inspired by this pin, I decided to finally get caught up with digitally-made albums since I "retired" from scrapbooking over six years ago. I spent an entire day culling photos from 2013 from over 5,000 to down to 1,500 and then started putting them into a book.

The great thing is that I realized that I had the capabilities to make a Blurb book right in Adobe Lightroom-- no downloading a separate program! It's been awesome, as I can individually edit the photos as I put them in the layout. My only complaint? The layouts. I could do with a few more exciting options, but I'm making do with what they have.

I'm not even halfway done yet with this one, but I feel like I've made a lot of progress-- yay! And I did at least finish getting all of last year's photos backed up-- online, and on my new external hard drive (we got this one), too.

On the patios

whiskey barrels

Container garden. We are so excited to finally start gardening at our own home! I've been eyeing whiskey barrels gardens (like these, and these) and finally found a couple really nice ones at Home Depot and this week we got out and planted some seeds. I've only ever really gardened from seedlings so I'm a little nervous about starting with seeds!

As I type, God is watering our seeds with a bit of much-needed rain, so I'm hopeful that our snap peas, broccoli, carrots, chives and parsley sprout up soon. I also planted some new succulents, which I've got lots of inspiration for on my green thumb board. I also hung up my two hummingbird feeders!

In the kitchen

in the kitchen

 P.S. I got a new kitchen window--woohoo!

New recipes tried this month: 

1 tip for making the most of Pinterest

I think a lot of the time, I pin projects-- sewing, crafty stuff, art-- and then promptly forget about it. I get to embrace my creativity in a lot of other ways throughout the month, but I do want to start attempting more of those projects.

I think taking a weekly gander (Maybe on Sunday as I look at the week ahead) at my make & do, sewing, and kid-friendly art & crafts (that's a hard one for me!) boards will keep those ideas fresh in my mind and maybe inspire me to tackle one or two more throughout the month.

And now it's time for you to share your creative successes and failures! What did you do with your pins this last month? Share in the comments (link to the pin or a photo if you can!), or if you blog, link up your blog post below! And one more thing! Do you have a sewing pinboard? Leave a link in the comments-- I'd love to check it out.

10 on 10: February 2014

Live discussion of Pride & Prejudice!