Pinterest to Real Life: March 2014

Let's take a look at how we all used our pins in real life last month. This short month threw me for a loop... so many proposed projects, so little done. But I enjoyed celebrating my birthday and plowing through working on my eBook so I'm blaming those events along with The Cold That Would Never End. Enough excuses though... ;) Here's what did get accomplished/tried.

pinterest to real life 2014 button.jpg

Make & Do

make and do - Feb

Valentines! Gigi and I rocked these cute (healthy!) valentines together. See? Handmade doesn't have to be complicated.

I had tons of fun making a few of these loopy fork pom poms-- I definitely want to do more! This was a great pastime for doing during all the Olympics we watched. I can see where it will be a good baseball-watching craft, too. (Yay! Baseball! It's coming!)

On deck: I borrowed a wallet pattern from my mom because mine is falling apart. I'll be taking inspiration from this and this to adapt it to our cash system in attempting to sew myself the perfect wallet.


A while ago, Tsh shared a Spanish resource that I am finally using. It's short videos called Salsa from the Georgia Public Broadcasting network. Gigi has watched the first 2 episodes and then I've given her an activity today. For example lesson 2 was about caliente//frío/a and she cut photos out of magazines and then categorized them on a collage under either hot or cold. She loved it!

Gigi loves to read but has yet to pick up a chapter book and stick with reading it all the way through. I printed out this reading list for her and when she fills it up I will take her to B&N and buy her a new book!

Before we started the next Little House book for our read-aloud, we went through Jamie's virtual field trip of the Laura Ingalls Wilder homes. It was super fun!

In the Kitchen

I saw a pin that was essentially sloppy joe baked with cornbread on top. It stopped me in m ytracks. But then I looked closer and realized it was made from processed packed foods so I decided to whip up my own version with two favorites. So I made PW's Sloppy Joes and then topped them with this gluten-free cornbread that I've made a few times. It was amazing! And thankfully so, because I made it on a night we had new neighbor-friends over (I'm not afraid to experiment when company's coming).

More winners that will remain in our repertoire:

I shared one of the awesome ways I make Pinterest work for me in my first ever newsletter in February. If you missed it, you can subscribe now-- I'm going to send out an encore edition to those that signed up after it was sent.

Now it's your turn!

Tell us in the comments what pins you brought to life last month and whether they were successes or Pinterest fails-- everyone loves hearing about a good Pinterest fail. ;)

Fun Fiction: Princess Ever After

One bowl oatmeal blender pancakes {gluten-free}