Savoring Summer

One of my favorite bloggers/authors, Amanda Soule has been posting about how she's been savoring summer, and I decided to follow suite. Here's what the end of summer has looked like around here, and we've definitely been savoring it. enjoying a few more moments with dear friends who were moving away...

savoring the fruit of our garden, and of our CSA...

savoring a few days with family visiting from another state...

savoring the fun and the heat of the season and the novelties of childhood...

laughing at the difficulty of getting three little friends to all look at the camera, and watching a new generation of friendships develop...

trying new things...

and loving them...

savoring a night with my best girlfriends, and reuniting with more old friends...

enjoying a sweet moment or two or ten on the beach...

and of course, savoring the sun and the warm sea water with the ones I love...

How've you been savoring summer?

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