Simplifying science and embarking on nature journaling

Simplifying science and embarking on nature journaling

A while back I started following a really inspiring photographer on Instagram, Kristin Rogers. Through her, I've found several other homeschooling moms whose photos have a similar aesthetic and whose lifestyles have a similar organic, rustic, inspiring quality about them, if you will. Through Kristin, I also found a community I'm starting to really fall in love with called Wild + Free.

I downloaded the free sample bundle of goodies and resources that Wild + Free offers and in it, among with some other really great items (including a devotional I'm loving) was a little interview with Kristin about her nature journaling hobby. She often shares snapshots of her nature journaling on IG and I have been itching to do this for quite some time.

Gigi and I recently decided to back out of the science part of our co-op and just focus on the history part-- that's the part we really love, and science was feeling a little overwhelming. She's pretty young still and a lot of the stuff they were doing was on her level, but not really topics she (or I) was interested in at this point. I decided to lean a little more into the classical/Charlotte Mason philosphy of science and just spend the rest of the year learning science by reading and exploring and documenting little bits of creation.

She and I have embarked on nature journaling and we are both smitten by this new creative endeavor. We gathered our field guides (we have one we got at the Crystal Cove State Park information center all about sea life, and this one, which was originally recommended by Kristin via IG), some sharp pencils, and bought a couple of watercolor journals, some new pens, and the cutest watercolor set ever, and have jumped in.

embarking on nature journaling for science-4

Since our little ones have not been invited into this activity yet (they love to watch us though), working on these on the go will be a bit hard. We'll probably stick to going on outings, photographing and collecting things (when it's allowed), and then coming home to work on our journals right now. Maybe sometime Gigi and I will get out alone-- just the two of us-- and then, we could bring our supplies with us to work on out in the elements.

I'm really excited about natural journaling for a lot of reasons-- having another way to exercise my own creativity, learning about creation around us, and of course, to see Gigi excited about learning is awesome. I think she feels like this is a special "big girl" endeavor, and as I learned from Amanda Soule years ago, there's something about having quality art supplies that draws us in to use them. I definitely see that happening here.

I'm excited to see where this little journey leads us! (And let me know if you are Wild + Free subscriber-- I'd love to know what you think about as I'm considering subscribing.)

The weight of grace

10 on 10: March 2015