Finding Contentment

Finding Contentment

Contentment is something I've struggled a lot with over the years. While I feel that the Lord has indeed revealed some truths to me in the this area, I still have a lot to learn, and this is why I'm so excited that this fall my moms' Bible study is going to be reading Calm my Anxious Heart, by Linda Dillow.

Just in the first chapter, I was blown away by a couple of things. First she mentions a list of five statements written by a wise, godly woman who had discovered a few things about contentment herself. Here they are:

  • Never allow yourself to complain about anything -- not even the weather.

  • Never picture yourself in any other circumstance or someplace else.

  • Never compare your lot with another's.

  • Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.

  • Never dwell on tomorrow -- remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.

Now, I'd venture to stay that every struggle I have and have had is related to one of those statements. I'm really excited for what the Lord has in store for me through this book.

One more thought from Chapter 1:

How does God enable us to be content? He infuses contentment into us through His Word. As it seeps into our minds, it transforms us. Just as a cup of tea gets stronger when we give it time to steep, so we become more content when we spend time in God's word and allow it to seep into our lives, transforming us to be like Him. (p. 15)

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