taste and see

"Rejoicing" in the Bible is much deeper than simply being happy about something. Paul directed that we should "rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4), but this cannot mean "always feel happy," since no one can command someone to always have a particular emotion. To rejoice is to treasure a thing, to assess its value to you, to reflect on its beauty and importance until your heart rests in it and tastes the sweetness of it. "Rejoicing" is a way of praising God until the heart is sweetened  and rested, and until it relaxes its grip on anything else it thinks that it needs.

Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods


...thankful for the Lord and His goodness...

...for my family...

...for traditions...

...for the seasons of life, and for the challenge and blessing of finding the sweetness in wherever the Lord has me...

10 Handmade Christmas Gifts- 2009 Edition

Great Recipe over at Simple Organic