His Word in My Heart: March 2010

march's verse How're your memory verses going? I usually go over mine when we are out on a walk. I recite them, cards set in my stroller's caddy, as we walk around the neighborhood. It refreshes me spiritually and physically and I definitely feel it when I haven't been out in a few days.

This familiar verse seems like one I should already have hidden in my heart; I've needed it as a reminder this month. I've been feeling like so much of my struggle with contentment comes from being so self-focused, when in reality, the smaller and weaker my self is, the more Jesus can be strong in me and shine through.

I'm really trying to take captive all the crummy stuff I'm facing these days-- impatience, discontent, insecurity, lack of control-- and give it all over to the Lord. I've been feeling especially weak in these areas lately and I'm clinging to the thought that when I am weak, He is strong.

His grace is sufficient. It doesn't make life easy, but it gets me through the day, because as I relinquish, let go and abandon those thoughts, He is able to take His place in my life as the Blessed Controller.

What's your verse for March?

Avogolemeno Soup

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